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  • hollybolly81

You Can Do This!

Starting to hit how hopeless everything is. How am I supposed to make all my development work with no resources? And I at least have some tools, what about everyone else that barely has a table to work at?! I want a first, I'm trying so hard but now... I'm starting to loose my optimism

I'm going to start on the characters, and maybe something new will build from there. I have a lot of ideas about the bee, so I'm purposefully not starting on that for now- It's completely distracting me from the 4 or 5 other characters and their scripts.

Appraisal Feedback

low 2:1

cards are good- how will they be developed?

messing with the size could be metaphorical- too big for us to handle

sight specific work thumbs up

Andrew Kotting (had a little look today but couldn't seem to find his actual work- will try again tomorrow)

If links are included, maybe in text section would work better? Practice with someone

Martin suggests that it would be better if I included more artist research, but I don't want to just be copying other artists work still...

Maybe there's a way I can make it more useful towards my work?

Goal for tomorrow: sketches

plan for costume template

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