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  • hollybolly81

India/China Rift, 15th June 2020

Updated: Jan 15, 2021

I started working on the ladybird/India China rift, by making a newspaper page where every article is about the rift. As I only have word here, I thought the best way to put it together (as an initial idea) was to cut out the different articles from different sources, and stick them on one page for my sketch book. It doesn't look great but it's the best I can do with what I have. When we hopefully get back into University, I'll be able to put it together better using InDesign.

To do list for next week

  1. Artist research (I know it's awful but it needs doing)

  2. Start defacing real newspaper

  3. Think of slogans to use, made up ones

  4. Maybe start the stencil?

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