It's the day after we got our last appraisal grades, and I don't mind saying I was very upset with what I got. I felt like all this work I've been putting in- pushing myself to do work every single day, making sure that my Uni days are already planned out so that I don't waste a second of it, constantly trying to come up with new ideas- has just been a bit of a waste. I want to be improving, not getting worse and worse. Especially now that our next assessment is our VERY LAST ONE. EVER.
However, like I said it's the next day and I've had time to reflect.
Luckily, I don't think appraisal marks are really recorded, therefore it won't bring down my average in my hopes of getting a first at the end (this will be a question that I ask in our tutorial on Thursday, fingers crossed). A lot of the comments were to do with the fact that I didn't include the information of why I chose those particular insects, or what artists I looked into*, which I left out purposefully, as I felt like I've been repeating myself all year and I didn't want a comment like "you've already told us this in your last assessment". In hindsight, that was stupid.
I'm hoping that with these corrections, and the new film pieces I have made, I'll be able to bump up my mark in time for the final hand-in.
We have also been informed that our degree show is online this year, which I did expect. Originally I really wanted it to be online for several reasons, but now it actually is I do feel a bit down about it. Maybe because we missed out on the opportunity to do Second's Out last year, and now we're missing this I feel we've lost a hugely important part of our education. I'm planning on having a lot of involvement in how the photographs of my work are taken, so maybe that will make me feel like I got something back...
*sometimes I feel like people can't cope with original ideas. If you haven't copied it from some other artist, apparently it's not worth looking at.