All shapes are now cut out and dyed.
(side note- the dying was very difficult. It was only when i came upstairs to collect the fabric to be dyed black that I noticed that the red pieces had been dripping bright red dye onto the carpet for the past 10 minutes. No carpet cleaner!!! Used vanish detergent for clothes instead, and it worked surprisingly well)
They didn't dye evenly, as calico is a very 'crinkly' fabric, however I don't think it'll be a huge problem once I begin putting all the pieces together.
Had a tutorial with Jane, and I'm so happy to say I came away from it beeming. After being so disappointed about my dissertation score, I was informed that yr2 and yr3 scores will be added together to get our degree score, which means it won't be such an impossible task to get a first overall.
She also suggested I present in the order that things developed, however after consideration I think this approach will be too difficult to keep track off, as sometimes ideas just come to me and I don't know where from.