Year Three Work

when you press organic matter into clay, it is burnt away when the clay is fired, leaving an imprint. These were two wasps that were found dead in the ceramic room

the same thing was done with seeds

the eyes were made from vacuum forming

plaster bandages were put around the plastic eyes. They didn't stick at first, but after I scored into the plastic and used hot glue it stayed

this was a simple costume created for our yr 3 film presentation, found in the film section of the website

first attempt at how the bee costume will be made. Lots of things were wrong, but it means I can change that for the real thing

This newspaper has been abandoned on a park bench. But we aren't allowed to use park benches during lockdown... is this an image from the future looking back?

as all news was overlooked for covid updates, all articles that are not about covid have been drawn over

the original plan was to screen print different slogans- this is an experiment of how that might be possible

popular culture was a huge influence to this project, where memes became a popular form of comedy during this time. The tshirt is an example of my own meme that I made up

can you spot the creatures in the next 4 photos?