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ant sketch.jpg
plan for the wire sculpture I wish to make in the future

ant 10 minutes.jpg
I started my 100 drawings with timed pieces. This one took 10 minutes

ant 15 secs.jpg

ant line drawing.jpg
line drawing based from wire sculpture plan

Latin name for slave making ant

Slave making ant.jpg
slave making ants kidnap ants from other colonies and make them raise their own children. Out of rebellion, these kidnapped ants often kill the ants they are raising

anti BLM.jpg
Things I overheard during BLM protests, put into the minds of ants

come backs

ant timed drawing.jpg

ant timed drawing.jpg

classical drawing

garden tile sketch
tile showing a garden scene, that'll be made out of clay with string, ear buds and flower buttons pressed into it

timed bee
20 seconds



timed bee
20 minutes. I miss drawing like this

timed bee
30 seconds

acrylic paint onto fluffy fabric- an example of the fabric that will be used in the future costume


legs for days
I found different cartoons that already existed. I then added legs and arms from magezines

wire sculpture bee

angry wasp

mask designs
plan for the bee mask

mask plan

lady bird
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